The attached qualifications are listed alphabetically according to country as follows (where applicable):
Complete exemption (indicated as “complete”)
Foreign conditional exemption (indicated as “foreign”)
Mature age exemption (indicated as “mature age”)
Qualifications not accepted for admission to degree studies locally.
The applicable regulation number is indicated in brackets in the last column following the type of exemption, according to the numbering of the regulations published in Government Notice GN 31674 of 5 December 2008.
Qualifications of countries not listed or qualifications other than those listed above have to be referred to the Matriculation Board for a ruling (vide Enquiries).
The following subjects are SA HG subjects or subject equivalents:
English First Language HG and all of the other 10 official First Languages HG in South Africa as well as German, Silozi, Rukwangali, Otjiherero, Ndonga, Kwanyama, Shona, Swahili and all other such first languages as are approved by the Matriculation Board
Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Physical Science, Physics, Physics with Chemistry, Physiology and Zoology
The following third languages as well as such other third languages as are approved by the Matriculation Board: German Third Language, isiNdebele Third Language, isiXhosa Third Language, Sepedi Third Language, Sesotho Third Language, Setswana Third Language, siSwati Third Language, Tshivenda Third Language and Xitsonga Third Language.
History, Geography, Biblical Studies, Religious Studies, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies
Accounting, Additional/Applied Mathematics, Agricultural Science, Animal Husbandry, Art, Art and Design, Business Economics, Business Studies, Computer Studies, Dance, Design and Technology, Economic Geography, Economic History, Engineering Drawing, Field Husbandry, Home Economics, Music, Speech and Drama, Statistics, Technical Drawing, Technika/Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Electronic or Mechanical).
The above subject list is under revision and it is foreseen that the designated National Senior Certificate (NSC) subjects will replace the HG subjects in due course.